Christianity + Social Concern
“Living justly means living in constant recognition of the claims of community on us; it means disadvantaging ourselves in order to advantage others.”
Christianity is all about the gospel. And the gospel is the declaration that Jesus is king. Jesus’ kingdom is good news—not just for the rich, powerful, and able, but for all people. So, when Jesus launched his mission he set the agenda by reading a text from the Hebrew prophet Isaiah:
The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to bring the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour. (Cf. Luke 4:14-21)
The Christian gospel is not only concerned with individual, spiritual salvation (though that is essential!). The gospel brings people into a new community where justice and mercy reign—particularly for those whom society has marginalised or ignored. As a church community, St John’s Darlinghurst is committed to bearing witness to the gospel not only with our lips but in our lives.
Since 1996 our church has hosted Rough Edges, a drop-in centre for those experiencing homelessness, providing meals, community, and the opportunity to learn more about a relationship with God. In recent years, this original ministry has grown and evolved to become St John’s Community Services (SJCS). SJCS continues to address needs arising from homelessness through Rough Edges, whilst Banksia Women provides trauma-informed care to women who have experienced domestic and family violence.
When you come to St John’s for church, you are joining a group of people seeking the empowerment of God’s Spirit to live out the gospel in tangible ways—a church that is providing relief to those in need, working to effect positive material change in the local community, and advocating for policy reforms and promoting justice for all people in our city