Christianity, Art + Culture
Crucified Hand, circa 1989
The artwork above is Brett Whiteley and Harriett Collard, Crucified Hand, circa 1989.
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…” (Genesis 1:1). God is the ultimate Artist who created a beautiful world from nothing. Whilst God is absolutely unique as Creator in this sense, one of the ways we human beings are called to image God is by creatively making something of the world.
St John’s Darlinghurst is located within walking distance of two of Australia’s best art schools (National Art School and UNSW Art & Design), and surrounded by numerous galleries, bold street art, and interesting performance spaces. We see reflections of God’s creativity in the divine image bearers at work all around us.
We are proud to have many artists in our church community, including people that work as visual artists, ceramicists, musicians, writers, in theatre, and many people that just enjoy and appreciate art.
Being an artist and a Christian often presents unique challenges. As Makoto Fujimura puts it, “we artists are often exiled twice: once by the church, and then, because of our faith, by the world.”
Recognising this sense of exile, St John’s is committed to encouraging and investing in Christian people who are artists, and to building bridges with those in the local arts community. Due to our belief in a God who is the ultimate Artist, we recognise the arts as having intrinsic value. If you’re an artist of whatever sort, we’d love to meet you, to learn more about the things you’re making, and to hear how we might best support you in your calling.
“The characteristic common to God and humans is apparently…the desire and the ability to make things”
— Dorothy Sayers