Faith, Work and Economics
At the end of our church services every week, one of the ministers dismisses the congregation, saying: “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.”
This ritual captures the fact that Sunday worship is not an end in and of itself, but something designed to send us into Monday equipped to do our work in such a way as to honour God and to serve the common good.
Whether you’re currently a busy professional, a stay-at-home parent, or someone looking for work, it takes companionship, reflection, and practice to learn how to integrate your faith with your work in meaningful and life-giving ways. There are several ways that we want to help you on your journey.
Make an appointment with one of our ministers so they can take you to lunch and hear about the work you do, and how they might best pray for and support you in your vocation.
Check out additional Faith & Work resources available through the City to City Australia website.